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Self-driving car is becoming a reality.

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Self-driving car refer to vehicles that can operate without human driver intervention, capable of driving themselves.

These cars employ various technologies such as sensors, cameras, radar, lidar, and more. They detect and analyze the surrounding environment to make driving decisions. These decisions take into account driving safety, efficiency, and passenger convenience.

The technology of self-driving car is divided into several levels.

The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) defines autonomous driving levels from 0 to 5.

  1. Level 0 (No Automation): The driver has full control, and the vehicle does not assist the driver.
  2. Level 1 (Driver Assistance): Some functions can be performed automatically, but the driver must continue to manage the driving. For example, cruise control falls into this category.
  3. Level 2 (Partial Automation): The vehicle can automatically perform driving in certain environments, and the driver can take their hands off the wheel during driving. However, driver monitoring is necessary.
  4. Level 3 (Conditional Automation): The vehicle is capable of fully autonomous driving in specific environments. The driver can relinquish control as needed and engage in other activities. However, there may be requirements to hand over control to the driver under certain conditions.
  5. Level 4 (High Automation): The vehicle can perform fully autonomous driving in most situations. There may be situations where driver intervention is required.
  6. Level 5 (Full Automation): The vehicle is capable of full autonomous driving in all driving situations. Driver intervention is not required at all.

Furthermore, the need for self-driving car is evident in various aspects of modern society.

This technology can offer various benefits in terms of society, economy, safety, and convenience.

  • Improved Road Safety: Autonomous vehicles use advanced sensors and algorithms to continuously detect and analyze the surrounding environment in real-time, reducing accidents that can occur due to human errors or lapses in attention while driving.
  • Reduced Traffic Congestion and Increased Efficiency: Self-driving cars can select efficient routes, optimize traffic flow, and cooperate with each other through vehicle-to-vehicle communication to reduce road congestion and enhance traffic efficiency.
  • Enhanced Mobility and Accessibility: Autonomous driving technology extends mobility for individuals with limited driving abilities, such as the elderly, people with disabilities, and the visually impaired. It improves accessibility and promotes social inclusivity.
  • Time and Energy Efficiency: Self-driving cars minimize fuel consumption through precise driving and vehicle-to-vehicle distance control while also reducing time wasted in traffic congestion.
  • Increased Driver Rest and Productivity: As autonomous driving technology advances, drivers can rest or engage in other activities while the vehicle handles driving tasks. This enhances driver productivity and reduces fatigue.
  • Positive Environmental Impact: Autonomous vehicles reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by optimizing driving efficiency and traffic flow, contributing to reduced air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
These benefits indicate that autonomous vehicles can offer numerous opportunities in modern society, and with ongoing research and development, this technology is expected to mature and become more widespread.

On November 7th at 11:00 AM, in front of the Gyeonggi Business Growth Support Center in Pangyo Techno Valley, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea.

It was 11:00 AM at the bus stop. A electric bus with a exterior featuring a mix of Gyeonggi Province’s brand colors, green and blue, pulled up at the bus stop.

Above the entrance, there was the Gyeonggi Province logo, and on the front, there was a logo that read “Fantag Bus.” This bus is an autonomous route bus being piloted by Gyeonggi Province and the Next-generation Convergence Technology Research Institute (Yungkiwon).

In addition to the bus driver, there was also one safety officer on board, and the seating arrangement was different from regular buses, with only 14 seats towards the back designed in a lounge style.

self-driving car, fantagbus

The name “Fantag Bus” is short for “Gyeonggi-do Bus you ride in Pangyo.” It was selected through a competition last year.

Behind the driver’s seat, there is a monitor that displays nearby driving information as visual data. Furthermore, there are additional monitors above and below that provide real-time relay of the driver’s seat situation.

After confirming that passengers had taken their seats, an announcement inside the bus stated, “Autonomous driving is starting.” On the monitor illuminating the driver’s seat, you could see the steering wheel moving on its own even while the driver’s hands were off it.

Fantag Bus is capable of Level 3 autonomous driving using a total of 12 perception devices, including 2 radars (RADAR), 5 lidars (LiDAR), and 5 cameras.

The center director of the Next-generation Convergence Technology Research Institute stated, “Currently, the Fantag Bus pilot operation zone may be a bit limited, but there is a need to establish a metropolitan system that connects each pilot operation zone.” He also mentioned, “In the future, there are plans to apply autonomous driving technology to the metropolitan logistics system for further growth in the autonomous driving industry. The Gyeonggi Southern Region, with its abundance of logistics warehouses, provides suitable conditions for practical implementation.”

He emphasized the importance of policy decisions by both the central government and local governments in achieving these goals.

He stated, “Gyeonggi Province was the first to establish and operate an autonomous driving testbed, paving a path no one had ventured before. This brought both the spotlight and, on the other hand, a lot of challenges.” He further emphasized, “When considering the next step for the domestic autonomous driving industry, I believe we need to embark on uncharted paths once again. It’s crucial for the government or the province to make significant policy decisions in this regard.”

Currently, self-driving cars face various challenges, including technological, legal, ethical, and more. However, with ongoing technological advancements and increasing industry interest, we can anticipate further developments in the coming years.

Links related to Fantag Bus.

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